diff --git a/template.md b/template.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd3e34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template.md
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+published: true
+date: 2025-01-28T01:29:54.556Z
+editor: markdown
+dateCreated: 2025-01-28T01:29:54.556Z
+<div align="center">
+  <img src="/11f39c35-0150-4b61-b168-a61c673b9cce.png" alt="NGD Logo">
+  <h1><a href="https://store.nemesisgd.com/package/6444037" target="_blank">NGD-PILLBOXADDON</a></h1>
+## Installation Steps
+1. **Install ngd-Bridge**  
+   Follow the guide to install ngd-Bridge [HERE](https://nemesisdocs.com/en/gettingstarted).
+2. **Install ngd-pillboxaddon**  
+   Place `ngd-pillboxaddon` into your **[ngd]** folder. This script must be started **after** `ngd-Bridge`.
+3. **Add Items to Your Inventory**  
+   Copy the items listed below into your inventory.
+4. **Copy Images**  
+   Move the images from the `img` folder into your inventory's images folder.
+5. Add the jobs into your framework.
+<summary><strong>Job Configuration (QB/QBX)</strong> (Click to Expand)</summary>
+## QB (old jobs.lua)
+## QB (new jobs.lua)
+## QBX
+<summary><strong>Job Configuration (ESX)</strong> (Click to Expand)</summary>
+## (If this doesn't work for you, you will need to build them manually into your modified database)
+6. Add the items into your framework/inventory.
+<summary><strong>Items List (OX)</strong> (Click to Expand)</summary>
+<summary><strong>Items List (QB-NEW)</strong> (Click to Expand)</summary>
+<summary><strong>Items List (QB-OLD)</strong> (Click to Expand)</summary>
+# Configuration Notes
+- **Extensive Configuration Options**  
+  Open and configure all the `Config` files to match your server's settings.
+- **Customizable Menu Images**  
+  The images used in the menus can be replaced. They are located in the `web/menuimages` folder.
+> Do you still need help?  Open a ticket in our [Discord](https://discord.gg/AnXx2GVGcM)