title: ngd-redemption
published: true
date: 2025-01-29T01:19:38.622Z
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2025-01-28T00:30:34.910Z
## This guide assumes you already have a Tebex store integrated with FiveM. If you do not, please refer to their documentation.
## Installation Steps
1. ### **Install ngd-Bridge**
Follow the guide to install ngd-Bridge [HERE](https://nemesisdocs.com/en/gettingstarted).
2. ### **Install ngd-redemption**
Download and place `ngd-redemption` **AND** `ngd-interactiondialog` into your **[ngd]** folder. This script must be started **after** `ngd-Bridge`.
3. ### **Modify Tebex Listings**
Add Commands (Click to Expand)
- **Select Tebex listing you wish to add.**
- **At the bottom of the screen, click on `Game Server Commands`**
- **Once that opens, click on the gear to expand more options.**
-- **Make sure the package delivery option is set to deliver even if the player is offline**
-- **Inside of the `when package is purchased` field, put the following:**
NGDRedemption {packageId} {transaction}
## See Example:
4. ### **Configure Packages In Script**
Package Configuration (Click to Expand)
- **In a web browser, navigate to your Tebex package.**
-- The #s seen at the end of the link are the `Package ID`, and will be used to configure the items in the script.
- **Inside of the config.lua, you will see Config.Packages = {**
-- **You will need to add the `Package ID` from the step above, into the [] and configure each package**
- **There are several variables to the packages you can choose from:**
-- `Type =` (You can use 'item', 'vehicle' or 'other')
-- `Label =` (This is what is show in-game)
-- `Item =` (This is the item given to players if the Type = 'item')
-- `Qty =` (This is the amount of the item given above)
-- `Model =` (This is the vehicle spawn code if Type = 'vehicle')
- **See example from the config below:**
-- Package `6650632` is an item that is given to players, the menu will show it as a 'A Pack of Lockpicks', and the player will be given 5 of them.
-- Package `6650679` is a vehicle, the menu will show it as 'Pagassi - Zentorno' and the spawn code is a 'zentorno'
-- The packages are defined in the config, you should make sure the package from Tebex matches.
Config.Packages = {
[6650632] = {
Type = 'item',
Label = 'A Pack Of Lockpicks',
Item = 'lockpick',
Qty = 5
[6650679] = {
Type = 'vehicle',
Label = 'Pagassi - Zentorno',
Model = 'zentorno'
- If the `Item = 'other` is set, you can set your own logic to give players whatever you would like inside of the `editableserver.lua` using the function:
function GiveCustom(data)
5. ### **Set Garages**
Garage Configuration (Click to Expand)
> You MUST set your garage in the `editableserver.lua` file. If you need help, open a ticket in our [Discord](https://discord.gg/AnXx2GVGcM)
- Set your garage name/id in the `Config.GarageName` to ensure the vehicles are put into the correct garage!
- The script comes pre-configured for JG and CD garages. If you don't use these, make sure you set your garage configuration in the `editableserver.lua` file.
5. ### **Test Drives**
Test Drive Configuration (Click to Expand)
### Test Drives (Optional)
- The script comes with an optional 'test drive' feature that allows you to make it so players can test drive premium vehicles before purchasing them on your Tebex store.
- This is enabled by default, and all you have to do is configure what vehicles you want, their label that will show up in the menu and the locations where the player is teleported back when the test drive is complete.
Config.TestDrives = {
Enabled = true,
Time = 2, --minutes
SpawnLocation = vector4(-1319.23, -2181.06, 13.94, 152.21),
ReturnLocation = vector4(158.26, -739.98, 246.15, 66.94),
Vehicles = {
['zentorno'] = {
Label = 'Zentorno'
['faggio'] = {
Label = 'Awesome Moped'
- You must also set your vehicle keys and fuel in the following configs. The plate doesn't need to be changed unless you want it to.
--Fuel System:
Config.VehicleFuel = function(vehicle)
Entity(vehicle).state.fuel = 100
--Keys System:
Config.TestDriveVehicleKeys = function(vehicle, plate)
Config.TestDriveVehiclePlate = function(vehicle)
local uniquePlate = 'Prem' .. math.random(1000, 9999)
SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle, uniquePlate)
5. ### **LOGS**
Logs Configuration (Click to Expand)
- The script comes pre-configured for either Discord or Fivemerr logs. Choose your log type in the config and follow the instructions below to configure it.
### Discord:
- To use the discord logging feature, set the `Config.LogType = 2`, and add your webhook into the top of the `editableserver.lua` file.
### Fivemerr:
- To use the Fivemerr logs, set the `Config.LogType = 1'.
- Open your `server.cfg` and add the following:
set fivemerr_ngdredemption 'YOUR_API_KEY'
- Replace `YOUR_API_KEY` with your API key from the Fivemerr dashboard.
### Custom / No Logs:
- To use your own logging logic, or to use no logs at all, set the `Config.LogType = 0'
- If you wish to use your own logic, you can add it into the following function found inside the `editableserver.lua`
function CustomLogs(data, message)
# Translations
- Make sure you review the `translate.lua` file, as this is where you will be able to set the name of your store, garage information, etc.
> Do you still need help? Open a ticket in our [Discord](https://discord.gg/AnXx2GVGcM)