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2023-10-28 21:27:53 -05:00
Config = {}
2024-01-15 22:22:31 -06:00
Config.Jobs = {
police = { --Name you must put in server.lua for webhook
JobName = 'police', --Name of job in qb-core>shared>jobs.lua
SendCallsign = true, --Send callsign to webhook (This requires a job setup for the qbcore /callsign command)
UseCommand = {
Enabled = true, --Enable the use of a / command
Command = "pdduty", --Command to toggle duty
ChatSuggestion = "/pdduty", --Shows the / command suggestion
ChatSuggestionM = "Duty Toggle For Police", --Shows the / command suggestion description
ambulance = {
JobName = 'ambulance',
SendCallsign = true,
UseCommand = {
Enabled = true,
Command = "emsduty",
ChatSuggestion = "/emsduty",
ChatSuggestionM = "Duty Toggle For EMS",
tobacco = {
JobName = 'tobacco',
SendCallsign = false,
UseCommand = {
Enabled = false,
Command = "tobaccoduty",
ChatSuggestion = "/tobaccoduty",
ChatSuggestionM = "Duty Toggle For Tobacco Farmer",
-- Add more jobs following the format above.