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ngd-redemption true 2025-01-28T04:18:05.443Z markdown 2025-01-28T00:30:34.910Z

This guide assumes you already have a Tebex store integrated with FiveM. If you do not, please refer to their documentation.

Installation Steps

  1. Install ngd-Bridge
    Follow the guide to install ngd-Bridge HERE.

  2. Install ngd-redemption
    Place ngd-redemption into your [ngd] folder. This script must be started after ngd-Bridge.

  3. Modify Tebex Listings

Add Commands (Click to Expand)
  • Select Tebex listing you wish to add.
  • At the bottom of the screen, click on Game Server Commands
  • Once that opens, click on the gear to expand more options. -- Make sure the package delivery option is set to deliver even if the player is offline -- Inside of the when package is purchased field, put the following:
NGDRedemption {packageId} {transaction}

See Example:

  1. Configure Packages In Script
Script Configuration (Click to Expand)
  • In a web browser, navigate to your Tebex package. -- The #s seen at the end of the link are the Package ID, and will be used to configure the items in the script.
  • Inside of the config.lua, you will see Config.Packages = { -- You will need to add the Package ID from the step above, into the [] and configure each package

  • There are several variables to the packages you can choose from: -- Type = (You can use 'item', 'vehicle' or 'other') -- Label = (This is what is show in-game) -- Item = (This is the item given to players if the Type = 'item') -- Qty = (This is the amount of the item given above) -- Model = (This is the vehicle spawn code if Type = 'vehicle')

  1. Add the jobs into your framework.
Job Configuration (QB/QBX) (Click to Expand)

QB (old jobs.lua)

QB (new jobs.lua)


Job Configuration (ESX) (Click to Expand)

(If this doesn't work for you, you will need to build them manually into your modified database)

  1. Add the items into your framework/inventory.
Items List (OX) (Click to Expand)

Items List (QB-NEW) (Click to Expand)

Items List (QB-OLD) (Click to Expand)

Configuration Notes

  • Extensive Configuration Options
    Open and configure all the Config files to match your server's settings.

  • Customizable Menu Images
    The images used in the menus can be replaced. They are located in the web/menuimages folder.

Do you still need help? Open a ticket in our Discord {.is-warning}