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ngd-detector true 2025-02-22T03:29:49.638Z markdown 2025-02-22T03:20:43.944Z

Installation Steps

  1. Install ngd-Bridge

    Follow the guide to install ngd-Bridge HERE.

  2. Install ngd-detector

    Place ngd-detector into your [ngd] folder. This script must be started after ngd-Bridge.

  3. Configure Detectors.

Detector Config (Click to Expand)

-- There are two different types on config options for detectors.

  • Config.PropDetectors will spawn in a prop and then have a configurable box zone over it.
  • Config.ZoneDetectors will just use a boxzone, so you can put it over existing props in the map.

See below for variables:

--Prop Detectors 
Config.PropDetectors = {
    [1] = {
        Coords = vector4(-540.8, -208.84, 37.65, 178.55), -- Coords of the prop
        Prop = 'ngd_detector', -- Prop Name
        BeepDistance = 8, -- Distance the detector alarm can be heard
        Zone = {
            Coords = vector3(-546.63, -201.32, 38.23), -- Coords of the boxzone
            Size = vector3(1, 1, 2), -- Size of the boxzone
            Rotation = 210, -- Heading of the boxzone
        DetectItems = {
            'weapon_pistol', -- Item 'strings' that can be detected
        Sounds = {
            SoundSet = 'HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET', -- GTA Soundset
            SoundName = 'CHECKPOINT_MISSED' -- GTA Soundname
        IgnoreJobs = {
            Enabled = false, -- If true, the detector won't beep for the jobs below
            Jobs = {
                'police', -- Job 'name'
        Notify = {
            Enabled = true, -- If true, will send notifications to the jobs below
            Job = {
                'police', -- Job 'name'
            Range = 20, -- Range that script will send notifications (such as a security system inside of a building)
            Name = 'City Hall Front Door' -- Name of detector to show up in notification
-- Config.ZoneDetectors have the same exact config, minus the prop logic.

Configuration Notes

  • Extensive Configuration Options
    Open and configure all the Config files to match your server's settings.

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